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Street snap by La Mode Outré.
4.30.2011 at 9:47 PM


Hello all.

I guess some of you would already know this through my newsfeed. Ive been snapped by James Bent from La Mode Outré! Okay, I know you're wondering why Im in the exact same outfit from a post some time back. Dont worry, it's not because Im boring (hey!) but james chanced upon the picture of this look that I posted on lookbook and then emailed me and ta-dah! S0 yeah.

We changed location several time because of the light and me being not very natural in front of a camera. Hmms, so you can see  I wasnt really me in the photo but Im sure things will take a turn for the better :)

Love, px
Interview with James from La Mode Outré.
4.28.2011 at 7:27 AM

I've been intrigued with the blog lamodeoutre.com for a while now, being increasingly obsessed with it as it shows me a different side of Singaporeans apart from the "Singaporeans cant dress" that has been overly used with no one providing another perspective or suggestions on how this can improve. James Bent is the author and photographer for this blog. Basically, he snaps pictures of people who he thinks dresses well in the streets of Singapore and then post them on his blog. So the people you see on the blog are real people who most probably lives a life very much similar to us but well, dresses well. I think it really gives us no reason to dress badly since you can no longer use the reason "He/she dresses well because he/she is rich/famous/not real" because they are REAL! (Not so sure about the rich part though but you get my point!) Anyway, enough of my rambling. Here's a short interview I did with him and well.. enjoy!
What inspired you to do street photography?

 There was never a point at which I consciously went out and said "I'm going to do street style photography". In fact, even when I first found Scott Schuman's book, I had no idea what it was or how it happened, I just loved the photos. At that time I was using his photos to write short stories from, and I only started taking photos so I could have some new people to base characters in stories from - the streetstyle just happened because people responded well to it, more than my writing!

Over the years, do you find it easier to get well dressed people or is it increasingly difficult?

 It's easier now for me to know what I'm looking for, and I start to trust myself more and more. Plus, I'm doing it more than ever for myself, so when I see someone I like, it's easy. However, it is getting harder as I think I've become more critical and more capable of editing on the street, so that reduces the potential people who I would possibly photograph. In that way it's harder.

 Does your job influence your dress sense?

 I work a corporate day job, so I have to fit into that to some respects. I often joke that if you want to see me, look out for the tall ang moh dressed like an office worker, carrying a camera. Doing the site, however, has made me much more aware of style, and if anything I've realised that style is usually quite simple. It's more about how you carry yourself I think, and so I like to think I present and hold myself 24/7 now because I've seen that and realised that a lot more doing this site.

 How can Singaporeans dress better?

 Just feel confident that they're allowed to. And don't be afraid to make mistakes. If you get something wrong then you can go "what would I do differently next time?" or "how can I develop this?". People can't think that their style will happen overnight - it's a learning process about yourself and the reward is that over time you find something uniquely you. It's as much about that journey as it is the final destination.

What is most satisfying about street photography?

 I think that it's great doing this here in Singapore, as I can walk around for hours and it feels like there's no-one I am particularly taken to, but then all of a sudden, out of no where, there they are - someone I want to photograph. It's such a rush, like suddenly when I see someone it's senses all go, adrenaline rush happening, and it's this whole thing of meeting someone new, getting their photo and then kind of bouncing off the whole intensity of the moment. It makes me feel alive, and I have something to keep potentially for the rest of my life from it. That's really cool. For me it's all about that moment rather than anything else. 

Do you have any fashion tips for the readers?

Be aware of your body shape. Work out what your basics are - e.g. long skirts might work for you particularly well or you might be able to work all your outfits around white T-shirts or loose fitting shirts, so use that as a base around which to experiment. And you're not a hanger - the clothes complement the person, and at the end of the day it's about you, not the clothes - don't walk around being all stiff thinking that the clothes alone will make you look great, they won't - you have to carry yourself. I see a lot of stiff people wearing good clothes and they look... stiff!
Lastly, what are your future plans for La Mode Outré?

 Take more trips now and again and expand into South East Asia, then Asia, then go West and capture Asians there. It's my point of difference - it's an Asian streetstyle site, and I would love to travel more with it. However, it all depends really - that takes money so unless someone is paying it'll take a bit of time.

You can check out his blog here: Http://lamodeoutre.com

love, px


4.25.2011 at 1:05 AM

The week has been crazy, matches, test, skipping test, getting calls that changed my world, accepting offers and withdrawing from all that Ive just gotten used to.

I must say I'm still trying to get used to all this and there will be more to come. For those who are still bewildered by all that Ive rambled, to put it shortly, Ive changed my education path, and is officially a fashion student at TP.

Went shopping for clothes for school and was met with good fortune as Topshop was having a promotion. Didnt get a picture of my outfit because I was too tired. Sorry!

Most post soon!

love, peixin
Project 3.0
4.18.2011 at 2:11 AM


Cancellation of training on friday meant that I could go home earlier than usual and upon reaching home after satisfying my intense hunger, I put on my headphones and go into the zone with a good mix of radiohead and the killers. Dug out the remains of the previous project and cut out fabrics in great precision, ironed and sew together a new pencil case that would have been perfect if I didn't forget the first step, leading to a strangely protruding zipper. Apart from that, there is great improvement from the last and Im happy about that. The greatest issue currently is what design to paint on it.

Should it be the skull that I'm currently obsessing with it's triangle at the back or should I paint on some lyrics from The killers? What about quotes to keep me going or do you suggest abstract painting that nobody would be able to understand? What do you think?

love, px
Bag Necessity
4.14.2011 at 6:53 AM


Topshop umbrella, Ipod, Roxy wallet, Camera, Coach card holder.

Things I look out for when I pack my bag, be it for school or not. The umbrella has been a necessity ever since the dumb incident on Saturday.

Finally got my package from TSR but I must say I'm really disappointed with the workmanship! I shall decide again if im actually going to wear the shirt out.

Meanwhile, any idea what ear piece I should get? The previous one that I adore so much has died on me and having only one side working really isn't giving me a kick when listening to the awesome voice of Josh Rouse or Donavon Frankenreiter. Suggestions anybody?

Love, px


Washed out.
4.11.2011 at 4:37 AM


Credits: Aswini


Avoiding the puddles.
4.10.2011 at 8:10 AM


(Polka dot scallop tank from Topshop, Chiffon Maxi Skirt from The Scarlet Room, Sandals from River Market, Ring from Target, YSL Bag.)

Credits: Aswini

Perhaps I should have had checked the weather before stepping out in this absolutely stunning maxi skirt. Holding it up to avoid puddles weren't too glamorous and no thanks to that dumb car that splashed muddy water on me. Apart from that, I absolutely enjoyed being in this lovely outfit. :)

More pictures tmr! (Yes, of the same outfit.)


love, px


Teardrops, mustaches and love.
4.07.2011 at 6:21 AM


Tears that fall from exhaustion,

tiny Mustaches that reminds me of that really cool online store called Mr Kate which I so badly want things from,

Love for the wonderful maxi skirt I finally got my hands on (featured on 3rd photo.) as well as the awesome lightning bolt ear studs I got at the ladies market. Those ear studs are the lift me up items for school where a glance at it in the mirror makes me feel a little better each time.

I've been wearing my specs much more often these few days due to an irritating eye infection. God, I wish my specs were much cooler!

Hopefully a photoshoot this weekend, dying to wear and show your guys my new maxi skirt. :)


love, px

Little fluffs of happiness.
4.04.2011 at 10:08 PM


There were 5 other balls of fluffs that I didnt manage to snap. Oh boy were they insanely adorable.

4.03.2011 at 4:30 AM

Things Im inspired with. Really gotta look at my sketches to know what Im talking about. All pictures from google image or lol... tumblr.
The Sunset.
4.02.2011 at 5:01 AM


Sunset at waterfront, sunset at the window, pizza and ice cream at sunset way. Yes, the ice cream that Ive been craving for a few weeks.

The surge of happiness as the ice cream slowly work it's magic to melt the tension and worry of the week, bringing only tranquility to the soul. The wait was worthwhile and definitely came at the timely at a time where I'm trying to figure what I want right now. The decisions and hesitation that is draining every last bit of energy in me. Nodding off during lectures, sketching in my notebook only to be worried about not understanding a while later is making me dizzy. Trainings after trainings that has gone to the extent where my body no longer register pain, reaching home only to have time for a quick shower before rushing to bed is leaving me no time for revision or even a time to myself. Therefore the Thursday getaway was more than a treat, giving me a mental break before some more mentally strenuous training. I know I will get used to it soon, but it doesn't stop me from feeling overstretched and enervated.

Deeply apologetic that post hasn't been about fashion recently, but I really need an outlet to let out all these things that are bothering me. If time allows, fashion related post would come soon.

love, px

Eye catching. 02
4.01.2011 at 6:17 AM


Yeap, number 2 of things catching my eye.

The irony of being obsessed with both shorts and maxi skirts.

love, px


Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com