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The Sunset.
4.02.2011 at 5:01 AM


Sunset at waterfront, sunset at the window, pizza and ice cream at sunset way. Yes, the ice cream that Ive been craving for a few weeks.

The surge of happiness as the ice cream slowly work it's magic to melt the tension and worry of the week, bringing only tranquility to the soul. The wait was worthwhile and definitely came at the timely at a time where I'm trying to figure what I want right now. The decisions and hesitation that is draining every last bit of energy in me. Nodding off during lectures, sketching in my notebook only to be worried about not understanding a while later is making me dizzy. Trainings after trainings that has gone to the extent where my body no longer register pain, reaching home only to have time for a quick shower before rushing to bed is leaving me no time for revision or even a time to myself. Therefore the Thursday getaway was more than a treat, giving me a mental break before some more mentally strenuous training. I know I will get used to it soon, but it doesn't stop me from feeling overstretched and enervated.

Deeply apologetic that post hasn't been about fashion recently, but I really need an outlet to let out all these things that are bothering me. If time allows, fashion related post would come soon.

love, px


Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com