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Project 3.0
4.18.2011 at 2:11 AM


Cancellation of training on friday meant that I could go home earlier than usual and upon reaching home after satisfying my intense hunger, I put on my headphones and go into the zone with a good mix of radiohead and the killers. Dug out the remains of the previous project and cut out fabrics in great precision, ironed and sew together a new pencil case that would have been perfect if I didn't forget the first step, leading to a strangely protruding zipper. Apart from that, there is great improvement from the last and Im happy about that. The greatest issue currently is what design to paint on it.

Should it be the skull that I'm currently obsessing with it's triangle at the back or should I paint on some lyrics from The killers? What about quotes to keep me going or do you suggest abstract painting that nobody would be able to understand? What do you think?

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com