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Oh Monica!
7.10.2013 at 11:24 PM


I've been told countless of times that comfort zones are the worst place to be at and yet I still fall victim to it's cuddly arms. School has been slightly breezier these day and while that means that I could (and should) be dedicating more time to the projects I have in mind, I have been watching Friends instead.

It frustrates me when I find myself so unproductive but how could one possibly peel herself away from Friends! The amazing 90s outfits are just so inspiring when I put together my outfits since most of my items are thrift-ed. In fact, I found myself in school dressed very much like Monica Geller recently.

That aside, I have been sewing a lot since the inception of Jolly Julia in my home studio. The industrial sewing machine has got me sewing all the time and that feels a lot better after indulging in too many episodes of Friends (and hot chocolate). In fact, the little pocket blouse featured in the top right picture is actually handmade! Making them just felt so good and so I was wondering, if I sold these handmade babies, would anyone be interested?

love, pixie

p.s. follow me @pixieinspace on instagram for quicker updates! :)

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com