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Did I sell my soul for this?
11.09.2012 at 4:56 PM


I've been sitting on my bum all month busting out vectors and posters for school and I've got all these ideas that I just need to execute! One of them includes updating this space a little more frequently and I've actually got a solid plan for it. Well, executing is gonna be a bitch but I'm gonna give it a go.

On another note, I kinda uploaded this look on poshism.com on the hopes that kind souls will vote for me to let me win new shoes (cause come on, i know all of you are bored to death with my shoes) since I can't afford a pair on my own. So do head over to poshism to vote for me, pretty please. :)

Anyway, that brings me to the next subject. I need a job. I've tried pursuing streetstyle at NylonSG but the current guy is just too damn good. (head over to flashfire.es) So.. that door kinda slam shut. :/ Nevertheless, the pictures should be posted on the Nylon FB page and website early December. No worries, I'll probably bug you guys about it again then. So.. back to that job. I've considered selling my soul to Iora once again but the thought of scalding myself whilst steaming clothes for 3 hours is just so sad that it brought me here ranting and begging for a job. Aye, don't I just have so much dignity? So anyway, I can take photos, write and do a little bit of graphic design, so why not hire me?

Love, pixie

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com