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Hi how can I help?
5.16.2012 at 10:18 PM


Sorry guys! I have been terribly busy with school these days. I did however manage to pamper myself to some thrift shopping when I sourcing for Musk the other day. Tthat trip, I got this fabulous dress that fits me perfectly. It hit the right length and was snug at all the right places. I would totally wear it on it's own but I had to wear white for Musk. Obviously Maggie said it was too gay but she loved the outfit too!

Anyway, sales was great that day! Really really happy with the response and thank you to all of you who came by the store and liked the facebook page :)

My holidays are starting real soon and AFF has already started! Unfortunately I have to give 2 blueprint shows a miss because of school. You have no idea how upset I am. I already had outfits for it :( Oh wells, at least I'll be catching the shows on friday!

See you!

Love, pixie



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com