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The dork.
4.05.2012 at 6:33 AM


 You've seen the shirt, you've seen the skirt. Needless to say, you've seen the shoes countless times too. You've never seen them together and neither have you seen them paired with these accessories. A hat from a swop, a pair of prescription lenses, a wrist wrapped up with a headband and my trusty ole backpack. What do you get? A dork who aunties frown upon.

There's so many elements from different looks and with each element thrown in, the look is transformed. Without the specs it might just be a sports- inspired outfit. Without the maxi, I might just be a boy. Without the specs I could be the nerd who tried too hard. There's so much going on, but with everything done haphazardly, there's more casual than anything else and I think it works. What do you think?

Love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com