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3.18.2012 at 11:01 PM


A look unlike the rest, with more amounts of feminine than masculine. The top is my mom's and well, you're seen the skirt and shoes a million times. They are THAT versatile. The head tilt and cross leg seem to appear in every post! Haha, I should really get around to changing that.

I haven't been bringing my camera to the events Ive been to these days because I've swop cameras with my sister and bringing a dslr to school then work then events seem like a bad idea. Unfortunately, that equates to a lack of blog post too. :/

Well, I have news too! Im really excited to share it with you guys, but you'll have to check back soon!

love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com