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Scruffy, the rice farmer.
2.24.2012 at 7:56 AM


I had to do something to my hair that day, for I was too bored with bangs. Alas, I pulled out the only long scarf I had and tied it around my head. I liked the look, but a colleague playfully commented that I looked like a rice farmer. It was rather amusing seeing how everyone at work did a double take and hearing comments revolving around me tying a cloth around my head kept coming up. I didn't like the attention but it was still pretty hilarious.

I can't put a finger on the look I've been going around with lately but if I had to describe it, it would probably revolve around scruffy, sporty, rolled out of bed and lazy. Well, what do you think?



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com