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Like a plate of macarons.
2.03.2012 at 7:41 AM


I realised there were all these photos that Maggie kindly snapped for me that never made its way on the blog so I figured I'd just post all of them one shot to make up for not updating this space.

This year (for as long as it has been) has been really pleasant and Ive done so many things I didnt think I would, within such a short month, I experienced a turmoil of feelings, did a series of stupid tings as well as a bunch of other really fun ones. I've come upon realisation that somethings just arent meant to be figured out and mystery sometimes make things much more interesting.

So anyway, Ive started working and studying this block, which has turned out surprisingly well although I did find myself dozing off too many times while trying to catch a movie with homemade popcorn with my siblings. I actually fell asleep into my sibling's lap. Tsktsk. So with one day off this week, I had a good rest and then went shopping with my mum. I shall show you my buy soon and oh watch out for my new haircut. Yeap, you read right.

love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com