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1.14.2012 at 7:53 PM


Ive forgotten how good a sturdy pair of  shoe feels on the feet. The past year was a streak of absence of shoe luck, where shoes would tear while I walk, get an ugly stain and etc. This year is gonna be a good year and these shoes marks the great start of it. :)

I realised after I got out of the house that Ive actually worn this shirt for another shoot before but the feeling you get from this is very very different from the other because of the way it's been handled. Tucked in with sleeves rolled up, I think they give a pretty good vibe. Probably due to a book Ive been reading, called Parisian Chic. It didnt last long though, cause the next day I was back to my skater girl thing.

The bracelet is a present from shandy on my birthday and I think it gives a really soft touch to this outfit. I loveeee it. :)

love, px




Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com