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12.06.2011 at 7:18 AM



The past week was filled with hectic schedules and assignment deadlines. While I managed to dress up and feel pretty,  I failed to take any photos. Promise I would make it up.

Anyway, Im on a shopping ban till the holiday starts because by then I would be too busy to spend. Plans of camps and family travel has bulked up and I fear I wouldn't even have time to catch up with my close jc friends. I'll try. Even so, I've got a million things on my to-buy list. Number one is a pair of proper oxfords. As you can see, theis pair has numerous amount of post. And it's already on it's death bed. I cant decide if I should get a pair of doc marts. I mean it's been on my wish list for nearly 2 years but I just dont know if I should! aye aye. Other things I need/ want include tickets to Foster the People, USS, Moleskine notebook and uh.. clothes.

Hahah, I know. You probably think that those things just aint important. Maybe I should convince myself too.

Well, at least my sister is back. And that means more clothes. Okay, no. That means I get to spend more time with her, of course. But yeah, clothes are definitely shared and this knit featured is one of those she gave me. The weather was perfect and I loved it much much prettier paired with a maxi, but I rather keep that pretty maxi for another occasion. I just tire out of clothes too easily! Dont you?

love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com