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You call this fashion?
9.26.2011 at 5:06 AM


There's definitely beauty in dressing down. In fact, I think it sometimes tell you more about a person then the dressed up version. Afterall, you need courage to feel good in nothing but your own skin.

Ive been on a new drug for my skin and it's making my skin real dry and red, as if ive been under the sun for extremely long hours. It feel really uncomfortable and I cant help but feel really inconfident. BUT, it's really working to clear up my skin, even though it has only been 2 weeks. So Im hoping like mad that tolerating all this will be worth it.

Anyways, Im finally on holidays and although Ive yet to come up with solid plans for my holidays, it should revolve around movies, working, photoshoots, bake/ cook outs and meeting up with my jc friends.

Im excited!

love, px

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com