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The mini.
8.31.2011 at 8:11 AM


Top: topshop Dress:fareast shoes: Jeffery Campbells

Having worn shorts, jeans and maxi skirts and staying away from minis, it took me a while to get use to this outfit, since 3/4 of my legs were bare and naked. I will probably not to heading out in that dress for a while anyway. It has a gaping hole at the back which actually can be quite hot, but the length makes it slightly trashy.

The weather is a mess these days and i can hardly decide on what to wear the day before since a long knit sweater can be a bad/ good idea depending on how the weather decides to play out. I was hoping that Hong Kong will be cooler now but it seems fall isn't ready yet. 

In case you're wondering, I'm heading off to hong kong this weekend! It's ironic how I've been looking forward to H&M but end up in HK on the opening instead. Oh well, hope I get something threre!

love, px

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com