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Dont hate on me.
7.15.2011 at 7:34 AM


Top&bottom: Thailand Bag: Hong Kong Shoes: Urban Outfitters Chains: Pull and Bear Beaded bracelet: F21

Unfortunately, I have one ofthose faces where when I have no expression, I look like Im really mad at something or really upset and I often get people coming and asking 'hey, why so sad?" or friends telling me they didnt say hi cause they thought it was bad timing. I think I lost many chances to make friends because of that! (yikes! ) So, i decided to upload a picture of me with like the biggest smile and clear up this whole issue about me being a total cactus meanie. I'm not! I mean unless you say something mean or are really bitchy, I really aint that constantly in bad mood kinda person. Well, I just need a little time to get to know you or like um, know what going on before I really open up so I can appear to look aloof or cold. Please dont misunderstand!

Back to the whole no expression thing. I dont really get how I should look when Im alone, smiling to yourself or laughing isnt really acceptable cause you'll probably be labelled as a nutcrack but scowling just makes you a mean loner. So like I resolve to no expressions but that didnt really work either cause I have fierce look which people tend to associate with hard to get along with and stuff. Hmm, I really think I need some help here. Some one? Anyone?

love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com