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The Lady in Black
6.09.2011 at 7:04 AM


(Dress: Flea Find Necklace & Shoes: Australia Ring: Diva Bag: Topshop)

There was an class 'excursion' to S.A.M yesterday and I must admit it was pretty darn fun. I dont actually remember it being interesting when I went there previously. Hmm.. must the the crowd huh?

I love how my A3 file is able to fit snugly into the bag which made going around the museum a whole lot easier. I know, I know, I use this bag and wear this pair of shoes 8 days a week  but what to do, they are sooooooooooooooo versatile!

No idea why but by around 5, I was that enervated to the point where the expressions you see on the pictures were basically no expressions. I just wanted to go home!

The 1m by 1m painting starts tomorrow and Im really stressed out by it. Mine has something to do with identity crisis or more like the dilemna of styles -- pretty much like what Im going through currently. My mum kinda told me that she thinks my styles is a little like vintage plus edgy and every now and then I'll throw in some surprises. The basis of my dressing is still less is more. What she says is more or less true yeah? Well, I dont know man. All I know is I sure like button downs a lot!

love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com