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The Timekeeper Collection
5.13.2014 at 8:20 PM

Inspired by the tale Mitch Albom wrote, 'The Timekeeper' Collection explores various wishes for time. 
Our obsession for time never ceases but morphs at a given situation; sometimes it's too little, other times too much. 
It is often measured, divided and rarely forgotten. 

Replacing the sands in a hour glass with coloured beads and circular disc, 

our time is divided and trapped between layers of organza in this pastel-hue collection. 

For Spring 2015, each outfit transforms into a character as Pixie T interprets 

how time affects a family as each member has a different hope for time.

Alas, 4 months of effort has led to my first ever capsule collection. Along with it is it's own look book, video and a pop-up exhibition during design show. It was a ton of effort, tears and of course, money.  It was a period of self doubt and tired eyes. What it bought/brought me? 

A brief moment of satisfaction.

The worth of a 4 months effort diminished just as quickly as the boards came down after Design Show.

A little more than 3 years ago, I claimed proudly and fiercely that I can and will find something in the local fashion industry for myself. 
It was the certainty in my voice that convinced my dad to allow my switch. 
It was that certainty that masked the reality of designing in a small country.

What was I thinking.

Don't get me wrong, I love my capsule collection.
Conceptualising and creating all these character took more than a year.
It kept me going through an awful internship.
I am proud of not just what I have made but what I have become after 3 years in Design School.

I'm just a little disappointed to know that there is hardly anywhere to go after.

That is all.

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com