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Mount Batur
5.02.2014 at 11:23 AM


There's this jar beside my bed with 'Adventure' taped across it.
It was meant for loose change but my allowances went in as well.
Melbourne in June was the plan.
But you don't just seek adventure with a plan, you approach it with spontaneity.
And so, with a little bit of that money, we went hiking in Bali.

We got dressed at 1 that morning with little rest and little knowledge of what lies ahead.
It took 2 hours of a bumpy journey in a stranger's van before we arrived at a dark carpark.
When we got out of the car, we realised it was cold.
Cold?? How could it be cold in Bali??
The guide laughed and handed us a torch and a bottle of water.

Soon, we made our way into the darkness, with our paths lit only where our torch fell.
It was strange, walking into the darkness, not knowing where your feet would land. 
Strangely beautiful to see nothing but a trail of torches behind you, where other trek in the same path.

We were surprised that the trail was easy, nothing but a pebbled pathway.
And of course, the flat ground grew steeper and the pebbles grew into rocks.
Before long, the cardigan became too warm for the 15 degrees weather as I sweat from the climb.
The steps have become so difficult and we found our pauses for break increasingly frequent.

It took 2 hours but we were finally on our last 10 minutes away from the peak.
When we finally reached, we weren't quite sure what to look at.
It was pitch dark after all!

So, we sat on a bench with banana bread and eggs freshly steamed from the volcano.
It was so cold, so cold and I struggled to keep myself warm with a cup of tea.
The boys were armed with cameras, all ready to capture the sunrise.
I had hoped for a magnificent yolk but that didn't hapen. 
Instead, shades of blue emerged and the landscape formed before us.
Beautiful, fucking beautiful.

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com