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3.01.2014 at 1:31 AM


A while back, I visited a friend's pop-up booth and slipped away when it got a little awkward. It was located at a quaint cafe tucked in a strange lane that seem to have been forgotten during redevelopment. I haven't been away and alone for weeks and my mind was jumbled up with technical terms and check list of my sewing progress. 

As I walked down that path way that was lined with colonial apartments, my head cleared a little and I found joy in taking a walk at my own pace with no one to talk to. My senses were suddenly sharper and everything seemed interesting and new. For a while, I felt blissfully lost in that little world, quietly tucked away from that horrible highway planted beside it. 

A mailbox, an alleyway and a ginger cat.
Such a simple daily fare and yet at that moment, they were the most beautiful thing I've seen in ages.

A breather.
That's what I needed.
A breather.
That's what I got.

Love, pixie

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com