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11 weeks later
10.12.2013 at 8:57 AM


Sorry for the absence from this space, I have been an intern for the last 11 weeks and whilst it has been an eye opener in some way I have not expected, it has also ripped me of excess time and energy.

I've been trying to incorporate The 30 Minute Breather in my day since the new routine of getting up early for work and heading home at rush hour but truthfully, it has not been smooth sailing. I'm not even sure why but I often head home exhausted and drained as if I had 2 intense day of sewing in school. Whatever energy left would be spent drawing, sketching and sewing new personal projects which I have found to be very therapeutic. Other times, I would just watch Masterchef and head to bed.

Weekends have been incredibly precious, days I have not appreciated before starting a 9-5 routine. The Boy and I would head down to quieter areas of the city, in seek of serenity for proper conversations and pack lunches to save a little more for special dates. The company of each other is comforting and unpretentious, leading to endless discussion of anything that comes to mind. Certain days we teach each other about our different cultures while other days are spent hunting for bargain photo equipments.

Last weekend we took our new baby, Ruth Green (It's our new film camera! I didn't give birth to anyone within the last 2 months that I was away for!) out to catch the sunset. So glad we did because I have not seen anything as beautiful in a while. The orange hues that splayed across the horizon was incredibly breathtaking that at one point, the both of us were so caught up with trying to capture it on various mediums that we had to remind each other that the point of it all was to take it in, no take it down. 

Some parts of me worry that when school starts again,we will both be too caught up with our major project to go on simple dates like this but a large part of me can't wait to just end internship. It will definitely take a little more effort to see each other as often but right now I think it's all gonna be okay. 

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com