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The 30 minutes breather interview #2
7.13.2013 at 12:52 AM


Meet Shandy, a 19 year old Fashion Student who wears the skin of The Swimming Warbler during her 30 Minutes Breather. Armed with a Copic pen, she sketches anything ranging from book covers to fantasy meals. I had the pleasure of meeting her in her home not long ago and got to see her filed drawings (about the only thing she files by the way) as well as hear someone describe themselves as a Christmas tree for the first time.

The raw edge of the illustrations and sketchy lines are the sweetest touch to her work, capturing the 'seize the moment' spirit for nothing can replace that moment when an idea hits. I loved how the works ranged from food to books to stills and so with a slight probe, I stumbled upon a beautiful story.

A happy vault. 

That's what The Swimming Warbler is. A collection of happy thoughts and tiny details that gave her joy. A good day? Draw it down. Bad day? Think of good ones and pen them down. Much like a visual reminder of all the good things that have ever happened to her and a dismissal of all her excuses to be sad.

I don't think I've found something that embodies the 30 Minutes breather so well till this and boy is that encouraging. :)

So now, head over to The Swimming Warbler and repost as much as you like! Just don't forget to tell it's story too.

Love, Pixie

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com