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6.23.2013 at 1:20 AM


Clothes by: Maggie
Make up by: Maggie
Photographed by: Pixie

 Shooting a child talent can go two ways: incredibly enjoyable or utterly frustrating. A shoot that involves over browsing of teen vogue and hands to your waist is likely to result in the latter. There's just something beautiful about children before they grow aware for the need of contouring, posing and looking sultry. Everything after just scares me. 

Why do you want to grow up so fast?

If only you knew how often I wished for time to pause, or move ever so slowly for me to comprehend the changes around me. For the sands of time to slowly jimmy it's way down the neck of the hour glass so that I could take in every detail and yet, I can't deny that it is only through the loss of time that I realise the need to make the best out of every fleeting moment. 

And so why would you ever want time to stop? 

Love, pixie

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com