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Into the wind
3.17.2013 at 4:27 PM

My favorite part of every production module is making the mood board. It takes ages and it frustrates me to search for images that translates the fleeting thoughts in my head. And yet the thrill you get when you finally do is so gratifying that the previously mentioned pain-in-the-ass process seems okay.

The current production module is about kites; those brilliant colours floating about in the skies, translucent with the bright sunshine gleaming through makes up a tiny bit of this project. I was interested in fighting kites; in the less whimsical, more realistic aspect of kite flying. The utter boredom of holding a kite string since my favorite part was just getting it up there, the cruelty of glass adorned strings cutting wings off birds that do actually fly free and I was interested in tangled strings.

And so whilst the moodboard shows a strong sense of freedom; of flight and wind, there is my mental state staring back at you, questioning kite flying and how free it actually is.



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com