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Hey look, there's a dragonfly!
3.31.2013 at 11:39 PM


Model: Hailey
Jumpsuit and shoes by: Peggy
Hair&Makeup: Maggie
Shot by: Pixie
Assisted by: Frey

Working with your baby niece and best friends under the 12 'o' clock sun can be quite a test of character and friendship. I wouldn't say I had quite passed the test because I was definitely upset for quite a bit when my jumpsuit didn't get a chance when the sun got too hot and the model too bored. I am however glad that there were good shots for Peggy and that I came up with a solution for myself. So here's one outtake for you!

Have a great week ahead and lemme know what you think of the new layout!

Love, pixie 

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com