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Behind the scenes
3.30.2013 at 1:11 AM


These few days have been packed with preparing my portfolio and working on a campaign at Saught. There have been plenty of shoots on alternate days and tons of planning to do so I thought I'd share some behind-the-scenes photos with you guys.

One of my school module required an evening wear and I would have shot myself if I designed floor length satin cliches. I went with my favorite sports wear inspired theme and created a cocktail dress. I was rather pleased with the results so I teamed up with the talented GwenJanelle and beautiful Eunice Annabel for the shoot. Of course, the bestie came in to help with the make up and honestly speaking, I'm pretty pleased with what we came up with.

Working on all these photoshoots made me realise that I do really enjoy the whole process of translating the abstract emotions in my head through directions and discussions with the model and photographer. Clipping clothes and flipping hair didn't feel like a chore and I was honestly quite happy doing it. I'm not sure what that means for now but I'm definitely excited to work on more shoots. AND SO.

please email me if you would like to collaborate on a shoot or sth. I love ideas.

Love, pixie

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com