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Sights in Cambodia
11.22.2012 at 12:39 PM


Im not sure why it took me this long to post the pictures I took in Cambodia. I think part of me thought that you might not be interested and the other just wanted to keep things simple and carefree.

People ask me how Cambodia is like; did I stay in ratty house or were there buses and cars. I tell them no I did not stay in a ratty house, it was a decent and comfortable hotel and yes, we had proper transportation. It really doesn't surprise me that they have such ideas but it scares me when I realised that no one bothered to find out for themselves. Of course Cambodia is 'backwards' compared to many countries but they are definitely not 'not-growing'. One of my lecturer called Cambodia pathetic, I could only shake my head at her ignorance. Sure, the stories we've heard were all sad but it takes first-hand experience to know how hard the people are working for their future.

I've talked about a small portion of my experience in Cambodia. You can read it here.

Love, pixie



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com