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The chase
6.06.2012 at 3:39 PM


Met up with some friends and one of them handed me a card. The card described me as a girl who chased her dream and how much my decision back in JC had left an impact on her. It brought me back to the days where I struggled with my choice and the journey till who I am now. It must seem like I've got everything and I've already there but it has been difficult and there were plenty of tears. The blog hardly captures any of the sweat, hard work or the reality of how difficult things can actually be but that's the thing isn't it - that you don't give up despite of the hardship. I'm tired, I seem to always be tired but, I'm happy and that's what's important. That said, I'm really still chasing my dreams but the best part is that the tears from a each hurdle really just mean a step closer to my ultimate goal.

Love, pixie

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com