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MFW outfit 2
5.02.2012 at 12:21 AM

(Dress: Warehouse Shoes: JCs)
Low quality images of what I wore for the final day of MFW 2012. I had forgotten to bring my camera that day and so these were snapped with Maggie's Iphone. Its such a shame that you can't see the woven details on the dress but I assure you that this isn't the last time you'll this dress. (Afterall I'm totally guilty of re-wearing pieces of items so many times that it is slightly obscene.) Lastly, the slightly deranged expression would be due to the fantastic show MCM put up that night. One word. Amazeballs.

Love, pixie

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com