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Men's Fashion Week 2012
4.27.2012 at 6:40 PM


Some shots from the 2 days that I went to MFW 2012. Unfortunately, more than half of the photos taken that night rendered blur or were badly framed, I couldn't give a full report of MFW 2012. Plus, Im a little late. However, if you would like to catch up on the fun from MFW 2012, you can head over to F3.com.sg!

I'll have to say MFW was inspiring to say the least. Having seen the way designers could challenge themselves to piece very unlikely materials together or reinventing a details, I couldn't possibly let myself get away with taking things easy in school. The fact that it's menswear brought the whole experience to the next level, since I've never bothered to let myself explore beyond womenswear. My only regret would be not being able to fully immerse in the whole experience because I was too busy taking photographs. It wouldnt be as bad if they actually turned out well. AFF and Blueprint are coming up. I'd have to decide if I want to bring my camera then. Till then, it shall be tutorials and forum reading for me!

Love, pixie

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com