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Woo Hoo.
3.20.2012 at 4:43 PM

Ive been complaining about having no extra time on my hand these few weeks and many of you might have been really puzzled by it.

Well, I can finally reveal it!

I've been invited to be a guest blogger for a new website Sugabeans. It's basically like a online magazine where you can read up on fashion, lifestyle, beauty and etc. I've only posted one article currently, but more would definitely follow. You can read my article here.
Of course, I can't be that busy with one article. Remember I've been talking about some internship? I've also been writing at F3's official website as the editor's assistant. The website is pretty interesting and I really recommend you guys to check it out. You can read it here.

Meanwhile, I'm tired as heck and should really get some rest while you guys go have a look at the two sites that Ive mentioned okay?

Love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com