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The week is long.
2.27.2012 at 4:00 PM


Ever since I loaded myself with 2 activities that is non-school related, I've been stretching my weekdays to the limit. The mornings are spent in offices and service areas, where my task ranges from writing to speaking to a ton of different types of people, while the afternoons are spent researching, typing and drawing furiously. This goes on for 4 solid days and I spend friday to sunday with my friends. It sounds like a good life, but I do get too burnt out from the first 4 days to actually enjoy myself on the next three. I find myself lazing in bed, having second thoughts about actually leaving the bed. I will eventually convince myself that I'm only gonna feel better if I actually leave the house. I'm glad I did, because I usually do enjoy myself, until I get home and realise how little sleep I would be getting, of course. Some times I wish the week could stretch a little longer, with a three-day weekend, where you could enjoy Friday nights as well as Saturday and Sunday, only to have to stay in on the fourth day, because you partied too hard on Sunday.

Oh well, this isn't about to happen anytime soon and I still have to worry about the coming block so all I can say is, have a good week everyone!



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com