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Interview #4; Maggie
2.25.2012 at 6:43 AM

The thing about fashion that never fails to inspire me is it’s adaptability. The first form of clothing came in form of a leave picked off the floor and as need changed, so did the clothes. The designers adapt to the different needs, magazines adapt to different styles of the designers and so did everyday people. As technology advances and social media rise in importance in everyday life, fashion adapts. Burberry launches live tweeting and McQueen stages broadcast of it’s runway at real time and everyday people? First they turned to blogs and now, Twitter, to talk about fashion. I managed to talk to Maggie, a classmate and fellow intern about her way of adapting fashion blogging with social media as well as some of the influences in her dressing and etc and here it is!

Hi Maggie! So I hear you have a different take on fashion blogging, what is it?

I do fashion tweeting – I post my everyday looks on Twitter. I also share in on Facebook but only my friends on Facebook see it since my account is private.

That’s new, but why did you choose Twitter?

I started a year ago when I left secondary school and my friends wanted to know how I was doing in my new school. So after tweeting for a bit, I decided to post up my looks for my followers.

Hmm, so where do you see yourself after poly?

I definitely want to pursue a career in fashion, most probably with a magazine so I can do journalism, styling and maybe photography.

What about make- up? You seem to have a lot of different make- up with your outfit.

I’ve always been interested in make- up. If given a chance, I would like to pursue a career in that too. Perhaps even direct the hair and make-up if I get to plan a photoshoot. I believe that everything that is not included in the clothes becomes part of an outfit and if they harmonize well, you would definitely look good.

So where did you learn how to do your make- up?

Haha, that would be Youtube. I watch a lot of hair and make- up tutorials and learnt everything I needed to know off them.

Where do you get inspiration for your outfits?

Well, a lot of places actually. I really like street style so I read a lot of street style blog. Tumblr is a major source of inspiration and definitely my friends. It’s really a pick and mix from everywhere.

Do you think being in a fashion course has influenced the way you dress?

Yes, definitely. I’ve always had a passion for fashion and being in this course has given me an outlet to be myself and dress the way I want to.

In another words, the way you dress is largely dependent on the environment?

Haha kinda, I just put on what I feel like in the morning and my style changes every once in a while.

So where do you shop at?

I like to go to thrift shops and fleas. I don’t really mind not getting branded good and prefer to look at the condition of the clothes. So I’m okay with second hand clothes. That’s pretty much how I shop.

Favorite quote?

I have a lot but ‘Fashion fades, style is eternal’ by Yves St Laurent really speaks to me. Another would be ‘Fashion is not looking at the model but fashion happens everyday when you wake up’.

You can follow Maggie on Twitter here.



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com