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1.08.2012 at 7:17 AM

This birthday, there was a 2 day celebration, both which was insanely wonderful. No parties involved, just cosy meet ups with the dearest people, the way I like it. After a day out with shandylove, I met up with my bestest friends for dinner at pizza hut, where we celebrated with pizza and handmade candles(literally). Best moments in the longest times. Spent today with my family, where my siblings blindfolded me, drove me across the country and got me a present that I wanted for years. I shall share it with you in due time. Cosy dinner at night where we ate dirt cakes and then fianlly a trip to club st. While I was still considering the chances of spending it alone on thursday, it all changed the next day and once again, I thanked who ever is up there for all this fabulous people.

Thank you all who wished me a happy birthday!

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com