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Interview 0.3 with HeelsandWedges
1.22.2012 at 4:19 AM

Hello all!

As a huge fan of local fashion blogs, I had, and was lucky enough to conduct an email interview with Fatiha from heelandwedges and ask all the questions that have been bubbling in my mind ever since I started reading her blog early 2011. Mainly sharing beautifully shot outfit photos, she also shares useful informations about stores like espirit and etc and also conducted  the most interesting type of flea ever -- in her house! How interesting is that?

1. Hello Fatiha, how did heelsandwedges started?

I began reading fashion blogs early 2010 when my best friend introduced me to this particular blogosphere. Before H&W, I ran a lifestyle blog, sharing bits and pieces of my life with my readers. After a long while of staying up in the morning to catch up on my favorite blogs, I decided to change the direction of mine, and created H&W. Why H&W? Simply because i love shoes.


2. What would you say if someone asked how is heelsandwedges different from the rest?

Goodness... there's so many fashion blogs out there that i dare not say mine is any different. Haha.

3. How would you describe your style?

Feminine with a touch of masculinity. I love colors too, it's always a challenge to style colored garments, and boy do I live for that.


4. Favorite phrase at the moment?

"Let's G!" (Let's go)

5. Fashion blogs or magazines?

Fashion blogs ftw.

6. Which are some of your favorites?

Fashiontoast and Luxirare are my top most fav. I enjoy reading, and especially supporting local fashion blogs.

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Continuing my fashion blog with hopefully more readers. Reality-wise, I'm hoping that I'm a professional stylist by then, or at least be in the fashion industry.

8. How has heelsandwedges changed you?

It has made me more fashion-concious, and at the same time make me take risks in the way I style myself because sometimes I feel like I'm living in a rut when it comes to dressing up, if you know what I mean. The downside of it is that, it makes me lust for so many things (especially shoes) and make a pauper out of me. :(

9. As asked by Venetia from fashiononyourfeet, what's your favorite shoe at the moment?

My newly-repaired Joe's Brenda. It took me months to get them to the cobbler out of sheer laziness.

All pictures belongs to H&W

10. Lastly, what would you like to ask the next interviewee?

Would you give up your fashion blog for any reason?



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com