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We poor students.
12.30.2011 at 4:07 AM

Being poor students who spend too much money on clothes rather than food, we took chance of the 1 for 1 deal at starbucks after our trip to the museum that day, and to complete all the remaining sketches on our sketchbook that was due the next day. It was really one way to absorb the christmas spirit, since christmas tunes were playing and just below us were the rows of cafes and bars that I love walking past every single time.

Good lord, the year has past so very fast. With new year coming around the corner, Im madly looking forward toward writing on fresh new pages of my notebook and the 6th day of the year. Oh, just wished school wasnt that near. Feels much too overwhelming actually.

love, px



Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com