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face out faze out
9.13.2011 at 3:04 AM


(Top: Hong Kong Jeggings: Espirit Shoes: Dad's)

It was one of those days where smiling became a chore and the result having eyes as squashed out thin lines, mouths that don't seem quite right. To spare you and me the agony of trying to figure out whats wrong, I dotted it out! Brilliant aye? (haha, I kid, I kid.)

This was taken in hong kong, where one of the outfits where I brought to look effortlessly chic turn out looks just effortless. I ended cutting the tag of a newly bought top and borrowed a bottom from my mummy. The shoes however were a surprise find from a shoe closet clean out. It seems my dad has got a bunch of shoes he has long forgotten about and I have just gain possession of them. This is my favorite of them all and I love how comfy they have become after I stuck 2 plaster on these 2 areas that hurt me originally. Gross I know, But i have yet to find a better way!

Anyway, how do you like my new hair-do? It seems to be the only way I can keep my hair out of my face without bunning them up -- which isn't an option now since the hair dye has cost me quite a problem of hair loss. The idea of a pixie cut sounds ever so inviting although braiding my hair sounds fun too. Oh the dilemna!

love, px


Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com