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Double combo
9.21.2011 at 6:18 AM


A few know that Freja Beha is one of the few models that I like and my friend, syaz knows that Tao is my favorite. This editorial from Vogue China is a perfect mix of both. Exuding the masculine and androgyny of Freja, the beauty and style of Tao definitely makes this editorial drool worthy. I swear, when I came upon this editorial on Honestly...wtf, I just stared at it for a substantial amount of time. And then made it my wallpaper. (lol.) Not to mention a immediate purchase of a red lipstick (bad choice). Currently this editorial is unbeatable. Watch this space as I find out more :)

love, px

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com