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La Mode Outre X Pigeonhole cafe part 2
8.13.2011 at 11:37 PM


So sorry for the absence, I was trying to get used to the double module schedule, squeezing brain juices for motif ideas as well squeezing dyes from tie dyes. But anyway Im back!

This post is a little late but better late than never right! Haha, anyway, the la mode outre exhibition at pigeonhole was really cool, being able to chill in a cozy enviroment while appreciating the little details of the photos that we often quickly scroll past online. The revelation of how they are mostly everyday people with everyday jobs and etc really inspires me to dress my best all the time and how dressing isnt all that about money. (Although on a contary, fashion usually is.)

Checked out the place with Shandy and I was real glad she was there. We kinda regretted not asking our classmates but we werent sure how the place would turn out anyway. Honestly, it was pretty different from what we had imagined it to be. The start was pretty awkward, not knowing people and etc but it turned out to be okay, eventually chatting with James about his excellent work and then even speaking to Venetia from FashionOnYourFeet. Who, to my surprise, remembers me from the Topshop event which was a long way back. She turned out to be very nice and candid and a pleasure to speak to!

Pretty glad I went for that event and really looking forward to more of such things. :)

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Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com