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7.29.2011 at 6:50 AM


In the dark, subtle yet powerful, witches have a way of getting what they want. Be it with a use of a potion, a spell or an evil chant. They are a must in fairy tales, for without the bad, who knew what good was?  Have you ever given a thought of what made a witch become a witch, and within an evil witch, was there ever any good?

This torso explored both of these ideas. Could a witch very well be classy? For donning a ring and a charming necklace could very well be an act of disguise, or a true indication that a witch could possibly be more than just evil.

There are many interpretations for this work, for many may ponder over the silhouette at the back of the torso and ask, if the lady was the witches’ past or present and perhaps it possibly meant that the witch was also kind at heart. After all, who could decide the heart of a witch?


Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com