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What Ive been up to
7.09.2011 at 7:40 AM


1.Taking notes notes on visual merchandising

2. Find out the first departmental store

3. Photoshoot for 'Naked is Better' Oh, which by the way I forgot to tell you guys where I got the items from. The head band is from f21, shirt from hurley, pants from dotti.au and the shoes are jeffery campbell :)

4. Using Vera wang Princess. God i love the crown detail

5. Buying way-too-many albums and then playing them on repeat. (Adele and Maroon 5 is the bomb. You can live w/o foo fighters though!)

6. Eating my first carrot cake

7. Dressing my first mannequin, or torso. It didnt stay this way for long tho, my tcher insisted that pants shouldnt be worn as pants.

8. Chilling out with the laptop in my com too often for my own good

9. Moving the fairy lights yet again

10. Re-arranging my belts

11. Wearing my new favorite denim jacket yet again. Oh yeah, anyone knows where to get military inspired brooches? Needa fix a hole~

Pretty whacked out after this week of school even though 2 days were spent in town -- for a good reason.. I had to take pictures of window displays and etc for my module on visual merchandising, which is extremely taxing to my surprise. I fear the coming 3 weeks and I now need to rest my puffy eyes. (From exhaustion, not crying. )

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com