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Pink, coral, red
6.30.2011 at 5:50 AM


(Top and shorts: BangKok Bracelet: f21 shoes: Hong Kong's cotton on Bag: Hong kong's Espirit)

Hello all!

Went over to a friend's house to bake 2 days ago and even though I supposedly broke into this pair of heels, it still hurt like a $%^&* after about an hour in them. Luckily I managed to find a seat on the bus, but I wasnt that lucky on the train! Had to run in this heels cause I was late for a workshop in the streets of orchard and Im so glad I didnt trip in them.

Bought these awesome pair of shorts from Bangkok and was about to pair them with a black top but I figured this pink top would do it more justice and it would be a lot less boring. My closet is full of shorts of warm shades (ah hah, speaking like a 2d art fundamentals student) and I realise all my dresses and skirts are blue. My tops? Mostly black but I see myself getting more colours.

My wide leg pants are finally here! Now I have got to figure out when can I wear it out -- it being so long means I have to wear heels and heels = hurting feet -- must be a short day!

Im so glad my JC friends finish their exams this week so I get to see them before school starts and and.. MY SIS

TER IS BACK TODAY! Gosh, Im so excited :)

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com