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Eh, whats that Im feeling?
5.18.2011 at 6:39 AM


Tank: Gap Vest: Korea Watch: Thailand Shoes: F21 Bag: Thailand Skirt: Flea find

Credits: Shandy

Thought this skirt was a bad idea when I tried it on after reaching home on sat but I really liked it so much! I was thinking about it the whole time when I was on my way home. Was going to wear a black maxi dress out today but kept feeling as it wasnt too suitable, so this outfit was an last minute ensemble which I am actually very proud of. I actually got quite a few compliments. :) So happy!

Anyway, I've finally worked out a plan with a classmate for this photoshoot thingy. I have an 3 hour break everyday for the next block so we'll probably use that time. Excited? I am.

Went back to my Jc for a birthday surprise and it was nice to see everyone's reaction. Hahaha, mostly consisted of wide opened mouths and three words -oh-my-god. The hugs felt good and gosh, I really miss everyone! Really glad to finally talk to some of them, albeit brief but still satisfying.

School has been okay, I mean, modules are still modules but I swear I love my classmates so much. <3

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com