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We could all change this.
3.18.2011 at 5:32 PM


A rare sneak into my not so personal life. Perhaps the only time I would actually feature people around me on this blog. Outfit on the last picture is a clearer picture of what I wore for Noise Singapore. I just love that pair of high-waisted jeans too much to not reach out for it every single time I'm leaving the house. I already know what else I'm going to get addicted to soon. Think scalloped, polka dotted and Topshop.

I really like the second photo and yes! I was the eye behind the camera. Oh yes, the poor quality of the images is due to an accidental click on the camera, switching everything to small size. Im still trying to figure out how to work this camera, so be patient!~

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com