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They dont fall from apple tree.
3.20.2011 at 6:59 PM


Good things they don't fall from apple tress
Don't sit there and just enjoy the breeze
Get back, you gotta get back on your feet
Draw a map, and get back to me
(Get back to me) 

There are times when i stay awake
Thinking of you
Dying to get back to
Brew and construe

I try to paint a picture
Thinking of you
On a train, on a bus
People stand amused

Where have you gone to
Grace and virtue
Cos here i am
Cold and framed
Hearing once again

Small steps to town
I hear their voice aloud
Talking and laughing
Called me a weakling

I stopped and pondered
Thinking of you
Ate cold cream, my face beamed
I know what He means
Finally knew what He means

- Vanessa Faith

Style, do they make you special because you know what exude the same aura with different pieces of clothing or do they make you boring, because you exude the same aura with different clothings? Good things, do they make you lame because you conformed or do they stand above others because, unlike others, you conformed?

Questions, questions, who provides the answers?

love, px

and, happy birthday!


Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com