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Super super super quiet?!
2.03.2011 at 6:58 AM


What are you looking forward to this new year? Mine's definitely the new clothes! It is so agonizing to wait to wear those new clothes and I'm so glad I can finally wear them tomorrow! Now many of it, but definitely a fresh change from the ones I've grown tired of. This is the last real holiday I'm gonna have till I end the 2 years of college and I'm gonna make the best out of it! (:

Caught up with my best friend today and it really made my day. She laughed when I told her how I was known as the super super super quiet girl. I find it hilarious myself. I've been everything but that! Really got to start getting out of my comfort zone and start speaking to strangers/ potential friends.

Anyway! Happy Lunar New Year to everyone out there! Eat, drink and be merry!

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com