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Pencil and Paper
2.25.2011 at 6:14 AM

I told a friend that day about my dreams and aspirations and how disappointed I was that I had to go to Jc when my heart really rather be somewhere else. Told her about the fashion designer wishes and after our 7th round around the track, she told me " hey, design something for me." It caught me by surprise and I kinda gave a ton of excuses about how it wouldn't be good. But she said: " It doesn't have to be out of this world, it just have to show my personality." That was the 3rd time I met her. So I decided to use my interpretation of her instead, but that isn't the point. The point is, that statement ignited the dying spark in me. After school today, after doodling through all my lessons, I went to the library and finally picked up a few books on fashion. Some of it on fashion design course, some on style and even some on sewing. Flipped through several and then picked up my pencil and drew. It felt different, in a good way. It was a break from going through the motions of going to school, getting through the day in school and going home feeling exhausted. I felt rejuvenated and accomplished. It gave me a load of new ideas. I wouldn't say that they are designs, perhaps more of styling since most of the pieces drawn were really just items put together from collections I've been exposed to recently. I'll see how it turns out and then decide if I'll post it up. I do really got to decide if I am going to proceed to colour it or not since my colouring skills could be rather bad. Nonetheless, it really feels good to know that going to Jc doesn't mean that I have to give up everything.

And lastly, although I might not tell her this personally, Im really really grateful to that friend. Love you girl. (:

love, px

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com