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Not so cool.
2.02.2011 at 5:42 AM

It seems like my unique bag is no longer as unique as i thought it was. Back in Secondary School, it was the one and only Tagger. Now it's one of the many Taggers. If you were to ask me, I'm really peeved about it but Im probably not the only one who feels that way too. Oh yeah and some dude has got my headphones too. Irritatinggggggg.

But I guess that's what moving on to a new enviroment is about -- learning that what you think you are might not be true. I guess it's time to search for a new unique bag. (:

Can't really believe it but chinese new year is just tomorrow. Im really feeling rather unprepared! I hope plans will come rolling in so I'll enjoy myself before the work starts piling. Meanwhile, enjoysome  the polaroids I've finally scanned after much procrastination. (Oh, and polaroids are starting to become one of those thing everyone is doing as well. The first time I used it, people were like "Whats that?" Now people are like " Oh, my friend have it too."  Time to find a new hobby?)

Oh, I buy my films here: http://littletinrobot.livejournal.com.

Love, px

p.s. cant believe im doing this, but ... hi amirah

how can you actually find pleasure from making me do this?


Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com