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So I asked myself.
1.11.2011 at 8:01 PM


Every now and then I would wonder what exactly is my style. I've always wanted to be rocker chic plus skater girl but parts of me melts at the sight of pleated headbands and floral maxi dresses. I swoon over the vintage dresses and preppy outfits. I find myself often picking up clothes of different styles and asking my sister for her opinion. Once, I asked her. Is this me? Her reply was " I don't know, you keep changing."

I guess that concludes it. I havent got a definite style and after much consideration. I don't want to just think of one in an hour's sitting.I don't want to label myself edgy/laid back/ boho/ hippie and end up embarrassing myself when I tell people what I think my style is. In fact, right now, compared to the other thousand fashion bloggers out there, I know I'm not stylish or fashionable and definitely not spending enough on clothes. But I know im getting there. At least now when I shop, I don't think "What is everyone wearing now" or "Is this the IT item of the month" and instead, I think "What suits my body type", " What can this be paired with so that it's unique" and when my mum/ sis says " But you will look out-of-place from the people out in the streets. They are just wearing t-shirt and shorts", I dont just go and change but instead decide that blending in wasnt really what I wanted anyway.

Of course, im not planning on walking out of the house in a bright yellow bikini anytime soon.

Like I said in my "About" column, im still fine tuning my style (or whatever it's called). I know which direction im working towards and that's definitely gonna help me. In the mean time, im not planning on throwing everything in my closet yet although if there is a strong response, I might be selling some items. Speaking of which, how interested are you people in handmade pencil cases?

Tell me what you think!

love, px

oh yeah, that's my new pair of keds. I'm still a sneakers girl at heart.

P.s. Just saw this from Lamodeoutre, which kinda shows what I had in mine when I was writing this.

"And then I think of me. And to think of me going there and being that, it makes me feel empty. Like I’d just be a “that”. And annoying as it is, and perhaps I am just stubborn, I just can’t bear the thought of being a “that”."

Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com