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The explanation.
1.21.2011 at 11:44 PM

For those who had been following this blog, you would have realised that I've not posted my outfits for some time. I've been hesitating for a while on whether I should explain it or not. So, after weighing the options, I've decided to come clean.

It's actually due to self-esteem.

Before I had this blog, I thought that I was different and that I could actually perhaps make a mark somewhere with what I was (presumably) good at -- dressing/ fashion. So I was very eager to set this blog up, get my ideas out to the public, hopefully get somewhere, but the reality is harsh. Passion doesn't necessarily means flair and without a flair with what you are doing, you hardly get anywhere. A fashion blogger needs to have a clear head on the trends, a good photographer/ good photography skills and tons and tons of  money to spend on clothes. That, of course is my opinion. However, although I could easily find out the trends from magazines and on the net, photography skills and money don't come easy. I would say my photography skills aren't that bad and the photographs I take are decent and of course with practise, it would get better. The main thing is money. Let's be honest. You can hardly get nice clothes cheap. Versace, D&G, Celine and etc are seriously expensive. Even Topshop isn't that cheap. How many of us actually can afford a 106 bucks blazer and a 89 bucks shorts? I don't come from a very wealthy family and would probably never be posting shoes from Marc by Marc Jacob anytime soon. It comes to affect things a bit. It means I'm a few class lower than many fashion bloggers out there who have strong financial backing.

Yeah, of course if you are really good at pairing clothes, money might not be an issue. I admit, I'm not good at it and I've been harshly told. I've once uploaded a look I was pretty proud of on Lookbook.nu and chictopia. For those who are familiar to the website, you would know that people will give you hypes if they think it's good and etc. After 1 day, the picture received 0 hypes while other pictures uploaded after it was given hypes. That came to affect me. It was like a slap in the face saying " hey look, you aint worthy of this. You're never gonna go anywhere." I deleted the photo and didn't want to try again. Choosing outfits before I go out also became a chore and mind you, I'm the kind who would actually pick out what to wear the day before. Once, I didn't want to go out because I didn't know what to wear. It really stung me when I realised that what I thought I was good at was just a one sided thought. That is the main reason, though you must agree that money is a big issue in fashion. Fortunately, choosing outfits and pairing clothes would improve with practice and I'm gonna try. I've mention earlier in a post previously that I'm still trying to find myself. I promise when one day I can look at myself in the mirror and not worry about how many hypes I could get on Lookbook.nu, I would start posting outfits. Maybe it's too much promises currently but I know that with continuous support, I would be able continue with this blog and really work on my currently non-existent style.


Pixie. 20.
Makes clothes.
Does Photography.
Contact: pixieinspace@gmail.com